Educational post alert! You never know when you may need to communicate the word BACON to someone in ASL, American Sign Language. Pay close attention to the video, this could mean the difference between life and death.
Practice this and teach all of your friends.
This post brought to you by the letter B.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Learn Bacon in Sign Language (ASL)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Skull and Crossbones Decanter Set
Serving some Bacon Vokda? You'll look much more chic when you're pouring the drinks from this stylish Skull and Crossbones hand-etched glass decanter available at Amen Wardy.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Smorkin' Smoking Breakfast Toys w/ Bacon!
This is some mean looking breakfast. Frank Kozik's serving up a Smorkin' Breakfast and these little pissed off looking figures make me smile. On the menu: Angry Smorkin' Bacon, Crack'd Egg, Stale Donut and Toast and a mug of Bitter Coffee. I need more toys like a need a hole in my head, but I'm stopping at UrbanOutfitters on the way home and they'd better have this set in stock.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Skull Shower Curtain by Jeremy Fish
Spied this magnificent Skull Shower Curtain today at designpublic.comand need to own it. Made by Upper Playground, patterned vinyl curtain decorated with a skull and critter design from San Francisco artist Jeremy Fish. This really sucks for me because I already have my bathroom decorated pretty nicely and now I'm gonna have to redo everything to match, from the bath mat to the hand towels. It's the price you pay to be skullicious.
Bonus - Free Shipping on orders over $50 at Design Public!
Jeremy Fish Skull Shower Curtain @
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bacon Vodka & Metal @ the Double Down Saloon
I'm not just pimping this NYC bar because my good friend Flyin' Ryan is DJ'ing this Thursday, they also serve murky bacon-infused vodka, bacon bloody mary's and has 2-for-1 Happy Hour weekdays from 2pm-9pm. If you're anywhere close to the neighborhood, come on down, rock out and get your bacon drink on.
Double Down Saloon - 14 Ave. A, between 1st & 2nd St.
UPDATE: There's a rumor that there will be FREE BACON CUPCAKES at the bar! Mmmmmmm
Monday, March 24, 2008
Skellramics Skull Salt and Pepper Set
Very stylish Skellramics stoneware salt and pepper shakers from Thee Basket Boo-tique. These would look great on my table. Ever since I broke my Bugs Bunny & Gossamer salt and pepper set, I've been using the cheap plastic pre-filled ones from the supermarket. Time to upgrade.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
A Bacon Meatloaf Cross - Happy Easter!
Forgive me if what I know about the Easter holiday can fit into a delicious Cadbury Cream Egg, but I thought that this Bacon Meatloaf Cross from Joolie and Eric at oh my stars and garters would be a perfect fit for today. Sacriligeous? Perhaps, but if you worship at the Church of Bacon you know that bacon rules over all.
Pres your meatloaf mixture into a cross pan
Cross shape baking pan available @
Remove meat
Shroud in BACON
Bake and devour the tasty cross!
For the full pictorial instructions please visit oh my stars and garters.
Brought to you by Spidey, Jesus and Bacon
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Functional Metal Art Skulls
My most exciting find from my internet skull surfing this week is Von Speedcult brothers, Len and Bryan, design and produce functional metal art for the home, shop and bar, gravitating towards: Tiki, Hot Rod, Pinup, Gothic, Horror, 50’s & 60’s and Sci-fi. Below are pics and links to some of my favorites but you really need to go to the site and see all of the wonderful unique pieces they have to offer.
Gothic Skull Toilet Paper Holder
Gothic Skull Key Ring Holder
Gothic Skull Paper Towel Holder
Skull 2 Single Switch Wall Plate
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I Love Bacon Necklace
Proudly proclaim your undying love for bacon with this necklace. LadySpleen is the artist who created this wearable wonder. It's available through her page on and while there's only one of these in stock, her page says she takes custom requests.
LadySpleen also has some cool skull jewelry so check her out!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Three Skull Socks from THROX!
THROX is the first sock to give you a spare! THREE socks for when one goes bye bye in the wash. Three-of-a-kind beats a pair every time. Red & black Skull Socks and more colors coming soon!
Skull Balloons
Why wait until Halloween to decorate your house with these excellent (and cheap!) Skull Balloons? You know how some people tie balloons up to the front of their house to announce the birth of a baby or a wedding? I say confuse and worry your neighbors by decorating the outside of your house with a few of these skull balloons this spring!
12" latex, $2.00 for an 8 pack has some other interesting stuff too, like the Skull Loot Bags and Plastic Skeleton Cutlery.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I Always Like To Eat Bacon And X
There weren't enough Muppets around here. And there can never be enough Muppets and bacon. (From Sesame Street, Season 1, episode 8)
The Bacon Lottery
Grow-a-Brain & YesButNoButYes
Much thanks to Grow-a-Brain and YesButNoButYes for linking to my Bacon Rolling Papers post. It's the most traffic since I started this blog a short few weeks ago! Please check out Grow-a-Brain it's an awesome daily linkblog and YesButNoButYes,a great pop culture blog.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
ADIDAS Day Of The Dead Jacket
This ADIDAS track jacket is made to honor the Day Of The Dead holiday. The skull on the back is fully embroidered and there's black on black skeleton print on the shoulders and yoke. Apparently they don't make this one anymore but you can still get it on
ADIDAS 'DOTD TT' Track Jacket at Amazon
Friday, March 14, 2008
Bacon-y Baconwood Candleholders & Letter Opener
Baconwood Box Company specializes in fine wood products and can also make products to your specifications. Seems like a pretty small company but these bacon items are pretty unique.
Matched set of hand-carved Bacon & Eggs Candleholders - $125.00+shipping
Handmade bacon letter openers -no two are exactly alike! $15.00+shipping
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Skull & Crossbones Ice Cube Tray
This ice cube tray makes the coolest ice cubes I've seen. cubes...get it? Nevermind. Anyway, these are mine, get your own!
Bone Chillers - Skull and Crossbones Ice Cube Tray
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bacon & Eggs Cufflinks
Man, do I have a knack for finding pricey stuff or what? These Bacon and Eggs cufflinks from Barney's are sterling silver and enamel and will run you about $300. Expensive but cool.
Bacon & Eggs at Barney's
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Skull & Bones Appetizer Plates
Set of 4 Skull & Bones Appetizer Plates in an awesome box. My birthday is only 10 months away, in case you were wondering what to get me.
Skull & Bones Appetizer Plates at Department56
Monday, March 10, 2008
Bacon Flavored Rolling Paper
Yep, you read that right. Juicy Jay's Sizzlin' Bacon flavored rolling papers. Remember kids, all rolling papers are intended for tobacco use only. Hahahahahahahahaha!
Bacon Rolling Papers
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Skull Tea Set
I love quality-made, unusual skull pieces and this Skull Tea Set certainly fits the bill. Too bad I can't afford it. If I had $297.99 to burn you can be sure this would be in my skull collection.
This 9 piece porcelain tea set consists of 6 espresso cups, 1 sugar bowl, 1 creamer and 1 teapot, made in Germany.
The Skull Tea Set at
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Maple Bacon Lollipops
Boy, when a new bacon product pops out of someone's mind and into reality it sure doesn't take long for baconphiles to pick up on it and spread the word. Lollyphile's Maple-Bacon Lollipops are the new kid on the block. Seems like Lollyphile is just starting out and I say they did it on the right foot. They also have Absinthe lollipops if you're into that sort of stuff.
Maple-Bacon Lollipops at
Bad News CD
** Re-upped the link on 4/21/09
This post has nothing to do with either skulls or bacon but I need to make this long out of print CD from Bad News available to whomever shares my great taste in comedy. Bad News was the awesome British answer to Spinal Tap that began as a 1983 episode from The Comic Strip, an English comedy troupe with three of the four Young Ones. If you already know what I'm talking about this upload needs no further explanation. News.rar
I'm pretty sure that my favorite track is "Excaliber Rehearsal".
"I don't think you can be very funny about metal."
Also, just found this Bad News bootleg from HAMMERSMITH ODEON, Nov. 5, 1987
Friday, March 7, 2008
Jeweled Skull Tray
Yeah, another skull thing that I really really need to own. At least this one is totally affordable at $12.95. Rimmed in crystal jewels with a silver skull and crossbones.
Get your own at
Bacon Horns
My bro sent me this pic of him and his bacon throwing the metal horns this morning. Rock!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Custom Skull & Bacon Postage!
Found these great postage stamps for sale on The coolest thing is you can create your own designs. Yes, they are real stamps! They're about twice the $ of regular stamps but you cannot put a price on cool.
Of course, there's always bacon postage. If they could make the glue taste like bacon I'd swear off email and start using the U.S. Postal Service again.
Take a look around at!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Magical Magnetic Bacon Strips
You just never know what you're going to find when you're surfing the web.
Well, today I found someone who makes and sells magnetic bacon strips, bacon hats, bacon postcards! I don't know why I don't think of this stuff first.
Handmade bacon merch at Sappymoosetree
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Steve Carell and Bacon Eyes
I was watching Fox5's Good Day NY this morning while getting ready for work and they were interviewing Steve Carell for the new “Horton Hears a Who” movie. They were asking questions sent in by little kids and a 6 year old asked, "If you could have a superpower, what would it be?" Steve Carell's answer was, "I'd like to be able to cook bacon with my eyes." These aren't exact quotes since I'm typing from memory (and a short one at that) but it's pretty damn close.
I want to be able to cook bacon with my eyes too.
Foodie Skulls
I love collecting skull stuff and I love finding unique or unusual skull items, especially housewares. I try to stay away from the Halloween-y type skulls, the mass-produced cheap skull paraphanalia that appears every October. Honey Bunny from Honey Bunny Designs really gets it and has come up with a great Foodie Skull design avialable on lots of different items. My favorite from her Cafepress shop are these Foodie Skull Tile Coasters. Gonna be perfect to set my morning coffee on while I enjoy my bacon and eggs.
Check out all of the Foodie Skulls available from Honey Bunny Designs
Monday, March 3, 2008
Bacon makes me hate Metallica somewhat less
I used to love Metallica, back in 1984 they were the reason I became a total metalhead. I was with them up until Load, yes, I even liked the Black Album. I can still listen to Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning and thrash around but I don't want to hear, see or think about anything Lars and Co. are doing these days and I know I'm not alone here.
HOWEVER, someone just sent me a link to concert rider of theirs from 2004 where they demand bacon with every meal and to have bacon available all day and I have to hate them just a little less for that.
If you want to view the full 24-page concert rider, it's available at The Smoking Gun.