is an online store that carries an amazing amount of unique, funny gifts including a large selection of bacon merchandise. Bacon Wallet, Bacon watch, Bacon Soap, Bacon Jelly Beans, Bacon Popcorn, Baconnaise, Bacon vs Tofu Action Figures - whatever you need, they've got it.
Especially fabulous is the Bacon Lovers Gift Basket (29.95)
and the Mr. Bacon BIG ADVENTURE Board Game (CLEARANCE for only $14.95!)
The exciting news is that the very generous folks over at BaronBob have offered to do a "Bacon Care Package" giveaway! The prize may include the Bacon Plush Doll, a jar of Baconnaise, a box of Bacon Popcorn and a tin of Bacon Bandages. All you have to do is "Like" BaronBob on Facebook and leave them a comment about which bacon item you really love and that you heard about the giveaway on SkullsandBacon!
Also, I have to include this because it's just about the most adorable, gross plush I've ever seen.
Bandage & Scab Plush Set ($9.95)
Good luck!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Bacon Giveaway from BaronBob,.com!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
If I die...
If you don't have Google auto-complete on, you're missing out. Are people really googling this?
found via
Anyhow, if I die a bacon related death at least I know I'm going out with a smile on my face. And possibly greasy lips. But you can't win them all.
Monday, June 7, 2010
More Skulls @
Overstock has got some cool new skull stuff in. Here's my pick of the lot...
It's been difficult to find decent new skull bedding lately. I just wish they had this in Queen, I would totally pick this up.
Skulls 7-piece Full-size Bed in a Bag - $69.99 (Twin -$59.99)
Super cute skull sleeping bag!
Microluxe Smiling Skulls Sleeping Bag -$59.99
I really dig the skull band on this watch. It's a steal for $17.
VANS Unisex Lancaster Skull Strap Watch - $17.09
I think I may have posted this Invicta skull watch once before but it's too awesome not to throw it up here again.
Invicta Men's 'Adrenaline' Midsize Skull Motif Watch - $143.99
I've been pretty bad about answering my emails lately but I'm catching up! If you see any aweseome skull or bacon stuff, please do drop me a line.