Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Skulls @ Target - Halloween 2011

If you haven't gone to Target yet for their 2011 Halloween and Skull stuff, stop reading now and run there. I'm late in posting this and the cool stuff has a tendency to fly off the shelves. I was stalking Target until they got their Halloween selection on the shelves and I've had to go back a few times, each time they had different items, and hidden throughout the store. Not everything is on their website either, so you have to GO.

Here are my favorite finds this year:

Skull Bath Rug - this one is my favorite find of the season and I did a happy dance around the store when I saw it. It's not on the website and wasn't in the stores the first two times I went shopping. 3rd time was the charm!
skull bath rug

Skull Hand Towels - Another item not on the website. These are velvety and satiny and look awesome with the skull bath rug.
skull hand towels

Skull Pillow
skull pillow

Skull Kitchen Towels - These are out of stock on the website but plenty in the store last time I went.
skull kitchen towels

Skull Dinner Plate
skull dinner plate?

Skull Stripe Tablecloth
skull striped tablecloth

Skull Cereal Bowl
skull cereal bowl

Skull Porcelin Tray - one of the first things out at Target this year and my store only had three total. You'll be lucky to still find one I think but it's definitely worth looking for.
skull porcelin tray

They also had a bunch more skull cookie jars but they were the same as last year and I already have three of them. I also picked up some black skeleton arm salad tongs. More skull salt & pepper shakers, garland, lights, too much to even list them all. Needless to say, I'm broke, my apartment is bursting at the seams with more skull stuff than I know what to do with and I'm really happy.


  1. Wow looks like you really scored! Jealous!

  2. Did you see the apron?? I decided not to buy it the first time, and it's been sold out since. :(

    Last spring I spent a bagillion dollars on ebay on the phrenology plates because I was stupid and only bought like 2.

  3. That skull rug is fantastic! Damn, I wish I checked out Target sooner.
