Monday, November 9, 2009

My newest thing to covet is this Skull Wallpaper designed by Barbara Hulanicki for Graham & Brown.

I showed it to my mom who glanced at it and said, "That's nice, honey." but didn't even notice the skulls. Then I mentioned it cost a $125.00 for a double roll and she went a little ballistic on me. Anyhow, even if I could afford luxury wallpaper, my landlord probably wouldn't appreciate it. Still, I feel like buying a bolt or two and putting it away so that one day, when I own my own walls, I'll be able to skull 'em up as I please.

Special thanks to Jodi for sending me this link!


  1. I need that wall paper. I normally hate wall paper but this is awesome. I totally agree with stockpiling it until you own your own walls. I was thinking that when I saw it. And that it would look awesome with a blood red couch, with skulls and studs of course.

    Wanna help me build a couch?
