Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Death by Chocolate Skulls

If you're willing to spend some bucks for quality chocolate and exquisite skull designs, check out the Mori Ex Cacao Gift Set from DL & Company & Valerie Confections. If you're ready to drop almost a buck fifty, head on over to ChocolateSkulls.com where the extremely life-like skulls come in a variety of chocolates, my favorite pictured below.

Bone Chocolate': A delicious blend of Belgian milk and white chocolates, resembling the colour of freshly cleaned human bones.

Mori Ex Cacao chocolate skulls set includes three flavors: Scorched Caramel, Bitter Brandied Cherry and Curious Chili.

For the more DIY types, follow the directions over at Diary of the Crafty Chica. She makes some delicious looking White Chocolate Sugar Skulls and the instructions are pretty simple. You can pick up the Skull Molds pretty cheap at Amazon.com

The Crafty Chica's White Chocolate Sugar Skulls

I'm betting most people look at these around Halloween time but is there ever really never a wrong time of the year to enjoy skulls and chocolate together? Not in my book.

1 comment:

  1. The Day of the Dead chocolate is totally awesome
